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on 5/6/16
"American government is corrupt. Those who have enough money can almost get anything they want from our government, whether it is tax breaks, or subsidies, or policies and laws changed, removed, or added.
... Today CEOs and wealthy businessmen are the ruling elite in the Western world, especially the United States. Their donations finance elections and even education, which they are constantly saying has to adapt itself to the needs of the market (that is, be molded to inculcate their views). It should come as no surprise therefore that the theories offered by economists rationalize the self-interest of big business and the wealthy. Overtly, of course, such theories claim to benefit society and the public's well-being. But covertly, they do just the opposite: they make the great mass of people poorer while making the rich fabulously richer."

Ravi Batra in his book "The New Golden Age"