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by Haakimi
on 25/9/15
They plenty. SUBHAAN-ALLAH. RTUberFacts: A 2013 study found that people who believe they deserve more than others are more likely to be mad at God.

Even 'they' know. RTUberFacts: Sex before marriage is still illegal in Virginia.

A crime worst than treason. RTUberFacts: 86% of people surveyed in Egypt are in favor of the death penalty as a punishment for abandoning Islam.

Talk about matches the crime. RTUberFacts: Yeah... That makes sense.

I strongly want! RTUberFacts: The qualities men want most in a daughter—intelligent, strong, and principled—are not really qualities they want in a wife, a survey found.

For feminists. RTUberFacts: Father sends little girl to school in sundress... But what she was wearing at pickup made him angry.

:)) RTUberFacts: A study found that those who go out alone and those who go out in a group have the same amount of fun.

Clever. A painting of a painting of the painter being painted by himself. RTUberFacts: Confused yet?

Haven't missed anything, really. RTUberFacts: In a recent interview, Pope Francis said he has not watched television since July 15, 1990.

Broccoli. RTUberFacts: Broccoli, cabbage, and brussel sprouts all contain a little bit of cyanide—eating them primes your liver to deal better with other poisons.

:) RTUberFacts: Snakes compose a quarter of the honey badger's diet.

Oh dear. RTUberFacts: 5-10% of internet users are actually unable to control how much time they spend online because of psychological addiction.

:) RTUberFacts: In 2015, an agoraphobic woman who had ventured outside only twice in 10 years briefly stepped out of her home and fell into an open manhole.

Wareva. RTUberFacts: Nutella is pronounced "new-tell-uh," not "nuh-tell-uh."
