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by TheaGood
on 22/3/17

MIDDLE EASTERN and ASIAN are synonymous. Middle east is in Asia. (usual American knowledge of geography is proverbial poor). While Asian can be far-east Asian, Indian, Chinese, it can also be middle-eastern from Saudi Arabia to Turkey - all these are Asians... IT rather seems, that they first wanted to hide it, because "middle eastern" is really damaging for their current agenda of "innocent muslims" coming for asylum..."

Re possible FF in London. The ONE thing that looks really odd is that the attacker was able to drive AT SPEED over Westminster Bridge and mow down pedestrians. It is a VERY busy bridge - why was it empty enough for anyone to drive at speed at that hour??? It should have been jam packed with traffic - you would be lucky to do 10mph! If you look at the pictures afterwards, there are several buses and cars stopped on the South bound lane ... but almost nothing stopped on the North bound lane used by the attacker, that lane is almost empty (remember in the UK you drive on the left hand side!) - why??

Westminster happened to remind everyone about Brussels and every other FF that goes on. These pictures make me want to puke. They are staged and it's appalling that common core is winning on this."
"The attack happened at the 1st anniversary of a metro attack in EU. Nothing like a "celebration" from the Bolsheviks."

"And more I posted over at ZH: "That's what I'm suspecting, a false flag to stop BREXIT. PM May scheduled the invocation of Article 50 until the end of March, the 29th. (Presumably a final decision being made before or at that date). - With all preliminary intelligence out: Absolutely no sign of this being a "muslim terrorist". No signs anywhere about the infamous false flag patsies'"Allah akbar" exclamation.

- Assault on Parliament. The attack was not in a high-density population area, unlike the two truck attacks in France and Germany. The muslim terrorist narrative, with this, is "differentially" dismissed. - Still, some collateral damage incorporated with the false flag for the obvious severity degree. Adding up all this, with ONLY a few days to go before the final BREXIT conclusion? Britons, brace yourself. You're not going to have a BREXIT.

And more: - Occult references here: Yet again, on a 3/22 : 322 - "Skulls and Bones" (Yale). See here: (scroll down to the Babylonian history posting).

3/22/1980: Opening Georgia Guide Stones, outlining the Babylonian World Order with a 500 million global population target.

3/22/2016: Terrorist false-flag at the heart of Europe, Brussels, also called "New Babylon". The difference is exactly 36 years: 3 6'es - 666 - This was an unholy anniversary false flag.

3/22/2017: Today, this attack. License plate: EX66RNO. X = 24th letter in alphabet -> 2 4 = 6. Followed by the 2 actual 6'es yields E 666 RNO the other letters are insignificant. - MagicBox - Holland"