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by BlackSilentMaj
on 5/9/16

Donald Trump:

Liar of the Year? © 2016

How can any black person with a brain and a thimble’s
worth of self-respect consider voting for a candidate
who has catered to bigots, who is endorsed by the KKK,
and whom hate groups credit for boosting their membership?

Some people just can’t help themselves. Whenever they open their mouths, a lie comes out. Could Donald Trump be that way?

The New York Times recently documented and published 250 of Trump’s biggest lies to date. Those lies covered a variety of people and issues. In addition, Politico, a Pulitzer Prize winning organization, fact-checked Trump’s presidential campaign statements, and its research revealed that over 70 % of what Trump said was untrue.

Yet despite being exposed as a pathological, serial liar, Trump himself has referred to Hillary Clinton, as “Crooked Hillary.” Now that takes balls, and it reminds you of that old saying about the pot calling the kettle black.

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg got it right when he said of Trump’s campaign, “I’m from New York, and I know a scam when a see it.” Like any scammer or hustler, Trump has the ability to fool his fans and cause them to believe whatever he says. You could say, his fans “drank the Kool-Aid.”

However, Independent voters may not be as thirsty, to further advance the metaphor. They will find it harder to trust what Trump says, because he has flip-flopped so many times on the issues, and each time, he proves he’s not trustworthy. He called Mexican immigrants rapists and thieves.

But just recently, with a clear ulterior motive, he tried to reach out to them. However, when “Hispanics for Trump” heard his Arizona speech after his trip to Mexico, they felt used, and they rebuked his outreach.

Trump called for a ban on Muslims entering the country; then he walked that one back. He encouraged his fans to attack black protesters at his rallies, and he offered to pay their legal bills if necessary.

In a similar scam move, aided by a handful of black preachers with their own selfish motives, Trump has toyed with an appeal to black voters. Fortunately, the majority of black voters don’t come as cheap as the black preachers. You can’t buy their vote.

Trump is 70 years old. During his life, he doesn’t have a history of reaching out to Blacks, promoting civil rights, or visiting black churches to show support for the black community. So, why would any black person believe his current reach out scam?

Trump has consistently flip-flopped on issues. For example, throughout this campaign, he has talked about illegal immigration. He has insisted that he would build a wall and that Mexico would pay for it. Yet when he went to Mexico to meet with the president, he claimed neither the wall nor who would pay for it was discussed.

If nothing else, any clear eyed and clear thinking American should have learned by now is that Trump will say anything if he thinks that’s what people want to hear, and it promotes his agenda.

Quite often, if a person is rich, a segment of the public will believe whatever they say, no matter how ridiculous.They believe rich people are somehow inherently smarter, more ethical, and more trustworthy. If nothing else, Trump’s campaign is proving he’s certainly not smarter, he’s not more ethical, and he certainly isn’t more trustworthy.

if anything, Trump’s candidacy reveals he is not trustworthy, and he doesn’t have the temperament of a well-adjusted adult. Those things are important qualities you want in a president.
