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by TanvirSalim1
on 19/5/15
Rome wasn't built in a day. It took more than 220 years for United States to elect Barack Obama as the first African American President, while it just took us 68 years to elect a road side tea vendor to become the Prime Minister of 125 million souls. We are proud Indian from the day we took our first breath and that continues with same zeal and spirit till today.
We thank our leaders who gave us freedom
We thank Pandit Nehru who firmed up the contours of Indian democracy
We thank Indira Gandhi for giving us the first military victory
We thank Charan Singh for giving voice to the farmers
We thank Rajiv Gandhi for ushering an era of computers
We thank Narasimha Rao for economic liberalisation
We thank Deve Gowda for giving voice to backwards
We thank Atal Bihari Vajpayee for his articulation of democracy
We thank Manmohan Singh for shoring us away from the great economic recession
And we thank Narendra Modi for giving us dreams
Yes, we do not need international recognition or accolades; we just need domestic bliss for all Indians and not for a select few. And like all proud Indian, I too hope that the dreams which we have seen will come true......COPIED