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by teasenopIease
on 19/2/14
I like this button4 people like this
@RacheIBrry "I already ordered my tickets so don't worry. And yes, sight seeing is a must." She said, glancing back at her as she continued to do her nails for her, humming softly. "I'm so glad Santana isn't here. Knowing her, she'd probably get me drunk again and keep you up all night with our scissoring. She's really good at getting a chick into bed with her. It's made me question a lot of things about myself." She said nonchalantly, rolling her eyes at the memory of her and Santana before she finished touching up her nails. "There you go. It's amazing what tutorials on YouTube can do." She said, smiling brightly as she looked back at the tiny diva. "Dark plumb really is your color." She said, holding up her wrists to give her hands a good look over.