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by Holipsism
on 18/11/18

Fuck @billmaher

There was a time when Stan Lee was embarrassed to be someone who wrote comic books.

This made him relatable to a lot of people who may love to do something that isn't looked upon by mainstream society as "important" or "relevant." Eventually, Stan became proud of his work because he grew to understand how important entertainment and fiction are to the people he wrote for. The overwhelming response of gratitude, appreciation, and love for his work, his life, and his legacy stand as a testament to his importance.

If Stan Lee were to speak to a young, insecure, unsure of himself, Bill Maher he would say, "follow your dreams and your passion, true believer, no matter what anyone feels or thinks!"

If Bill Maher had the opportunity to speak to Stan Lee, on his deathbed, he would say, "Your work is meaningless, unimportant & irrelevant, old man. You wasted your life."

That tells you all you need to know about the difference between a person who inspires others to greatness and a person who is a jaded, and cynical, misery merchant who inspires NO ONE.

If that is what "Adulting" and being a grown-up is then I'm proud to be a child that loves comic books, fiction, and entertainment.

R.I.P. to Stan Lee

and FUCK @billmaher