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by TanvirSalim1
on 20/9/16
This is for people who can think. Are you responsible for the New town school shooting, Denver Theater shooting, Orlando Shooting, Wisconsin Shooting… and each year you can count on some 350 mass shootings, that number was 355 last year. Did you apologize? We are all Americans killing each other. Who would you apologize to? Did each one of the 322 Million Americans apologize?
Likewise, neither Muslims nor Islam is responsible for acts of others. It is time Muslims quit apologizing for the acts they did not commit. If I murder someone, haul me to the jail. Would you believe me if I give you piss poor excuses that my religion made me do it? If you did, you are too dumb to believe or you born to hate others and were simply waiting for a dumb excuse to light up the hate for others.
If I were you, I would have said, SOB, you murdered the innocent people, and I am not stupid to buy your excuses, you did it, and you are going to pay for it. Period. Punish the criminal spare the innocent.
It is time we change the narrative. If an American Muslim kills another American, that is his problem, and the responsibility of the state his to nail his ass. Responsibility of the Citizens is to believe in punishing the criminal for the the criminal act.
Mike Ghouse